Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer (Psalm 19:14, NKJV).
            In addition to polishing a couple of manuscripts that need to go in to the publishers shortly, I’m focusing a lot right now on preparing for several speaking engagements, including keynotes, teaching, panel discussions, TV and radio. I enjoy all that, particularly the impromptu, spontaneous events that require few if any notes, such as media interviews and panel discussions. But the keynotes and teaching demand that I at least have a few notes jotted down about what I will say and how I will say it.
            All of that’s important, I know. So much more important, however, is what I say and how I say it in light of the Lord, who not only hears each word I speak but knows the meditations of my heart as well. How I want both to be acceptable in His sight! And how much more likely they will be if I am careful what I put into my heart and mind, for the Scriptures are clear that whatever words we speak come out of what we have stored in our hearts.
            Knowing that ultimately I speak for an audience of One, I must be much more careful of what I choose to store up in my heart, for that will determine my meditations as well as my words. No matter how much time I spend trying to perfect and polish the words I speak to others, it is God alone who knows the purity of my intent. We live in a world that bombards us with thoughts and words that demean our faith walk with Christ; may we continually ask the Lord to strengthen us and not allow those negative influences to enter our heart and taint our meditations and words.     