“Saul has slain his thousands,
And David his ten thousands.”

Then Saul was very angry, and the saying displeased him (1 Samuel 18:7-8, NKJV).

            Saul and David were both Israelites, part of God’s chosen people; they were on the same team and therefore should have been supporting one another. David recognized this truth, but apparently King Saul did not. When the women began to sing about Israel’s recent triumph in battle, all Saul could hear was that David got more credit than he. That made him angry. Verse nine tells us that from that day forward, Saul eyed David with suspicion and displeasure, and eventually even attempted to murder David.

This is an extreme reaction, to say the least, but I wonder if some of us who are “on the same team” sometimes become displeased when others are honored more than we are. Perhaps you sing in the choir, and though the choir is often complimented from the pulpit, one particular singer (other than yourself) seems to receive the most kudos from the congregation. Maybe you’ve heard that your book has blessed many readers, but it’s someone else’s book that wins all the awards. Doubtless that sort of slight doesn’t send us into a murderous frenzy, but is it possible the news displeases us and we begin to eye others in a different way? Does jealousy or envy raise its ugly head?

We all like to be recognized for our hard work and achievements, but I doubt that any of us consciously wishes to harbor resentment toward others for their successes. If we will keep in mind that we really are on the same team, serving the One who spoke the world into existence and yet visited it with a humble Servant’s heart, we will better be able to keep competition out of the equation and instead rejoice with others and cheer them on.

Is there someone you need to encourage or congratulate today, someone who may have been rewarded in a way you had hoped for yourself? Ask God to forgive any envious thoughts you might have, to change your heart, and to enable you to step forward and offer the words you know God wants you to say. The results will be threefold: a stronger bond between you and that brother or sister who serves the same Lord and Savior as you; a powerful witness to those watching us and weighing our words/actions; and glory to the Name above all names, the only One who graciously allows us to partner with Him in ministry, serving together on His universal team of humble followers.