I have come across a really excellent resource that I would HIGHLY recommend as either an individual or group study for Christians (or non-Christians if open to biblical content) in recovery for any sort of addictive behavior (which covers a lot of territory!).
Christians in Recovery Workbook & Meeting Guide by S.O. Brennan, Executive Director of Christians in Recovery, is a “comprehensive lesson guide dealing directly with recovery and social dysfunctions of many kinds. Biblical references are supplied to provide incisive and relevant insights surrounding many of our life-issues and difficulties. Included are step by step instructions on how to run a recovery meeting. This is an indispensable guide for anyone who desires to start a recovery group, meeting or ministry. Lessons are organized by topic, so the reader can work on the particular issues that are facing them at any given time. Biblical References and Studies included with most topics, accompanied by facts surrounding many life-circumstances. Helpful worksheets to aid in recovery.”
To find out more and order a copy/copies for yourself and or your group, visit https://christians-in-recovery.org/forms/Workbook.html.