Wendy Hagen is a riot! Seriously. Hilariously! And absolutely necessarily. Not only does her sense of humor and open candor about herself and her life as a “totally desperate mom” help maintain her own sanity, but it does the same for other desperate moms. If you happen to be one of them (or know someone who is), you REALLY need this book. You’ll laugh all the way through Totally Desperate Mom from WinePress Publishing–and get blessed in the process. The book officially releases August 3, but you can pre-order it at Amazon or on Wendy’s website: http://www.wendyhagen.net/
Thanks Kathi. Glad you enjoyed the book! I will deposit your money in an offshore bank account as per our arrangement.
Has Wendy been spying in my windows? I swear this book must be about me. LOL!
Definitely a book I would love to know more about and read.
Ha, diddo, Cheryl!
This book looks hilarious even from the cover.
And Wendy, I like your screen name
TDM…I think most of us could put that in front of us.
Can’t wait for this one!
Hahaha…I just had a good chuckle.
Thos kids look like my boys on the cover…and my face when my hubby comes home.
SO funny!